Ship Of Fools

Right the ship using the right words

The place they land will place us firmly

in the sand as we sand the edges down

and dull the impact until it is so dull

and round the crows round up their murder

but for all they cant, they can’t scavenge what’s left.

  • Kevin Oliver

National Poetry Month 2019, day 14: prompt was to use homophones, homographs, or homonymns or some other quirk of the English language and spelling. I already used homophones in an earlier piece this month, so this time around I chose homonyms–they sound the same and are spelled the same but have different meanings. I cheated a bit on the pair in the last line, but I added a bonus bit of opposition in the first and last words of today’s entry, so I’ll call it even. Today’s title is borrowed from World Party’s “Ship of Fools.”

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